로그인 회원가입

brain death

"brain death" 예문

국어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • 뇌사


  • I don't need you to. We've already called brain death.
    뇌사라서 동의 필요 없어
  • There's a lot of drunk drivers, a lot of brain death.
    음주운전자도 많고, 뇌사자도 많고,
  • I needed a specialist. Nic diagnosed brain death.
    닉이 뇌사로 판정했어
  • I don't see an M.R.I. Did you do an E.E.G. to confirm brain death?
    MRI가 안 보이는데요 뇌사를 확신하는 뇌파도를 했나요?
  • Uh, I just confirmed, uh, brain death on an 18-year-old female involved in a head-On M.V.C. earlier this evening.
    방금 확인했는데, 18살 여성 뇌사자예요. 초저녁에 실려왔어요.
  • Absence of a pupillary response is one of the signs of brain death, yet, you declared her brain dead.
    동공반응의 부재가 뇌사 판정의 기준 중 하나인데 그런데도, 뇌사 판정을 내린 거네요
  • If somehow that area were to be damaged, it would cause intracranial bleeding, which could cause your brain to swell worse than it did today, which would result in brain death.
    만약 그 부위가 어떤 상처를 입게 되면 두개내출혈이 일어나고 오늘보다 뇌가 더 붓게 되고

영어 뜻

  • death when respiration and other reflexes are absent; consciousness is gone; organs can be removed for transplantation before the heartbeat stops
    유의어: cerebral death,

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